Monday, March 2, 2009

Not a Lady

So yes, I am still on my not taking any shit kick, which means that I tend to be slightly belligerent when out in social situations, which probably implies that I shouldn't be allowed out in social situations.

On Saturday night, my attitude started right away when I was standing in line with girlfriend R waiting for the bathroom, and she stepped into the first available stall and the guy behind her said, "Excuse me?" I responded with a hospitable, "Hey, we were here first," to which he called me a "bitch" under his breath. R dragged me away before things could escalate.

Of course, my mood just got better as the night continued as I got drunker and I found myself jostled in an all-too-crowded club.

A giant meathead in a white t-shirt three sizes too small walked up to R and said, "Hi my name is (insert name here), what's your name?"

R just smiled politely at him and looked away. Since his brain was smaller than a pea, he didn't take her subtle hint and tapped her again and said, "What's your name?"

She continued to ignore him at which point I got really annoyed and said to him, "Hey, she's not interested. This is your cue to walk away."

"Excuse me?"

"I said, take your business elsewhere and get outta here."

"Wow you're a bitch."

Now I was REALLY steamed, so I pushed him (Yes, pushed him, despite the times that he was like three times my size. I'm like that tiny angry dog who doesn't realize that big dog could totally eat him for lunch, and continues to bark angrily) and said, "You heard me. Get the fuck out of here."

At which point I could SWEAR he turned away and called me a "cunt." I was thisclose to swinging a right hook at him, but he was already disappearing through the crowd. I, however, ran through the logic in my head, and if he laid a hand on me, I could easily play the victim which would mean he would get immediately arrested for hitting a defenseless little girl.

Given my charming personality, I'm sure my behavior was quite shocking to all the witnessing parties. But honestly, it wasn't that different from how I normally act. Usually I say the same things, but do them with a smile and a wink which disarms the guys before they jump to the accurate assessment that I'm a bitch.

Other than the excess amount of cursing and name-calling, I have no real regrets about my behavior. And as we enter into my birthday week, I have every intention of continuing with my newfound attitude.

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