Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Last Time I Dump Someone I'm Not Dating Over Instant Messenger, I SWEAR

One thinks that I would've learned my lesson last time (with Coworker Boy), but noooo. J-Boy has been increasingly infuriating me, and today at work he wouldn't stop instant-messaging me about when I'd be free to hang out with him again. I had finally had it, so I told him we didn't have to discuss it at that particular moment, but that I thought it would be better if we didn't make any plans and just continued a relationship as friends.

Then, instead of waiting until later to discuss it, he persisted in asking me why I felt that way until I just told him the truth: he's driving me crazy and I find him to be annoying despite the fact that he is a perfectly nice, considerate person. There's no real reason why - I just don't see a future there and I've had an epiphany recently: I am not willing to settle, and I'm not willing to waste my time with anyone less than worthy of it.

Was it cowardly of me to "break up" with him over instant messenger? Yes. Should I have done it in person, or at least over the phone? Yes, but that would require me seeing or talking to him again, which I was obviously not willing to do. And, really, we've only known each other for two months, never exclusively seeing each other, so how much do I really owe him?

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