Sunday, January 20, 2008

So Proud!

Apparently, me whining to my friends has a positive effect sometimes!

I have been complaining to my guy friend R about all the horrid guys I've been meeting, and especially about the "incident" with Logan Boy standing me up and never calling me again. Poor R has had to sit through many a conversation of, "But why didn't he ever call me?"

So R called me today to tell me a story that made me sooooo proud.

He was watching the football game at a bar with his friend (YAY GIANTS!) when this table of girls next to him initiated conversation and one of them in particular started flirting with him. He's a friendly guy, so he was talking to her, but not particularly interested in the slightest.

At the end of the night, when he was taking off, she offered to give him her number. And then, sweet, adorable R thought of me (and how miserable I had been with boys saying they would call and then never following up) and he didn't take it! In the end, the girl ended up being rather forceful and writing her number on a receipt and giving it to his friend, but the point of the anecdote was that R never told her he would call and set her up only to be disappointed. Instead, he was truthful and endured a thoroughly awkward moment.

If only more boys (and girls) would do this, I think it wouuld spare a lot of hurt feelings later on. So, R, today you (and Eli Manning) are my heroes.

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