Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dating Within the Hive

So up until not too long ago, I was carrying on a little secret romance within my workplace with Coworker Boy. This was a none-too-successful venture (and not too secret either), mostly because we work in a very close-knit and small office. I didn't find this surprising, considering work relationships are usually frowned upon and generally thought of as bad ideas.

Then in the span of a week, I met several successful couples who all met while they worked together! Upon meeting my friend M's girlfriend, and asking how they met, I found out they used to work at the same company together and carried on a clandestine relationship until they left. Three years later, they're still together. I also met my managing partner's wife - and yep, they met at work too. Now they're the most adorable cutesy couple you've ever met. They make me die a little inside every time they kiss and hold hands.

So now I've encountered a dilemma. If this work-dating thing can actually be successful, I've already exhausted the possibilities that exist in my office. This means I either have to find a new job, after thoroughly scouring the facility for single, hetero, attractive males, or my company has to start hiring some single, hetero, attractive males ASAP.

My friend S actually came up with another workaround: we are going to start crashing other people's company parties and pretending we work there. This could be a fantastic solution...or at the very least a funny anecdote about how we got thrown out of a party because we didn't know the answer to, "So exactly which department do you work in?"

Side Note - How much do I love someecards btw? It's like they read my mind and created hilarity just for me!

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