Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Internet Dating

Last night I met up with friends for drinks and the phenomenon known as internet dating was a topic of conversation. My best friend recently joined what she adorably dubs "the M" (Match.com) and there was another friend present who had met the girl he's dating on "the J" (J-Date) about a year ago.

Despite the fact that the girl was a total snooze, and we now affectionately refer to her as "J-Date McLipHerp" (Thanks N!), it got me thinking about internet dating. It's not exactly new, can no longer be referred to as a fad or a craze, but it's still a pretty hot topic in social circles everywhere. Everyone knows a so-and-so who met on the internet, and is now happily married in wedded bliss; and these are the stories that get recycled around to proliferate the idea that internet dating can really lead to love.

What's surprising to me, and I think this is what the marketing dollars behind internet dating sites are aiming for, is that there are really attractive, interesting, "normal" people on them; it's not (only) for the computer nerds that live in their mother's basements. And that alone may be enough to sell me on at least giving the internet dating thing a shot.

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