Sunday, December 30, 2007

Next Time, Lie

I found myself in a conundrum today and last night. I am an honest person, and find it difficult to lie to people that I care about. Last night, I met up with Logan Boy and friends for drinks. When he asked me if I was seeing anyone else, I found myself telling him the (terrifying) truth. Then today, when I spoke to J-Boy and he asked me what I did last night, I ended up telling him that I had been out with another guy the previous night. Therefore, by speaking the truth instead of lying, I managed to scare one guy and hurt another.

When confessing these juvenile mistakes to my friend D, she gave me some advice that I am going to take to heart: "Next time, lie." She raises a good point that even though we are taught honesty is the way to go, dating is about letting people know what you want them to know, and not exposing too much of yourself. Therefore, the truth may not be the appropriate way to go. Plus there was really no need for me to hurt J-Boy, so it probably would've been better if I had just omitted the fact that I saw Logan Boy last night.

Then again, should any of these casual dates turn into an actual relationship, isn't it tarnished by starting out on a foundation of lies? Or is it normal and expected that everyone tells white lies to get through the dating game?


Anonymous said...

Little white lies about your current dating situation seem perfectly if you were lying about other facts that would make a difference in your possible future relationship, that would be bad.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes a little white lie will help your situation -- you don't always have to tell them how many other people you're seeing on the side...because you're not "committed" to any of them!