Sunday, February 17, 2008

Boo. Hiss.

What happened to common decency and the days when "I'll call you" actually meant that you would get a call? Prior to the guy-hiatus, I was handing out my phone number like a candy bar on Halloween, but mostly because I figured I had to play my odds, and the more people I gave my number to, the more likely one of them would actually call. Surprisingly, a large majority of them did call which led to a lot of confusion and a good amount of juggling. But now, the incoming calls are definitely starting to wane.

Why am I ranting today? Well I haven't heard from NJ Boy in quite some time, despite the fact that I called him and left him a message a couple days ago. I'm rapidly losing hope that I'll ever hear from him again, and starting to anticipate I might have another Logan Boy on my hands.

Ok, I freaked out too early. He just got back from Chicago which is why I hadn't heard from him. MAYBE there are still some good ones out there after all.

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