Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I Heart NJ?

I saw NJ Boy briefly last night before he took off again for the second leg of his vacation. Luckily he had not gotten sick (yet), so I don't have that to feel guilty over.

As I discussed the date with my friend D today, I told her that I'm not sure about him because he's a great, nice guy, and we get along very well together, but I don't get that tingly, excited feeling in my gut for him at all. D said that that feeling goes away anyway, so does it really matter? Which obviously got me thinking...does it?

I had nothing but tingly feelings and butterflies over Slingarm until very recently (Ok, I might still have them a little bit, but just a little). And all that did was cloud my judgment and not see the truth about him (he's kind of crazy and far too immature for me). The same goes for Logan Boy, and we all know that didn't work out too well for me either.

So really, what are those tingly feelings except for physical attraction that overrides all actual logic and reason? If that's the case, then it's a good thing that I am un-tingly (yes, I just invented a word - you saw it here first, folks) over NJ Boy and perhaps it means there might actually be some sort of real future there that isn't founded solely on being attracted to him.

However, the other side of the argument is that those butterflies are indicative of a real attraction that only occurs when you meet someone with whom there is great chemistry, and it therefore leads to fireworks, sparks, other fiery metaphors. Even though that feeling eventually dies down (depressing, I know, but reality), doesn't it spark up every so often between two people who are in a great relationship? And don't the memories of those feelings keep people together for years on?

Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

it's funny... i didn't feel sparks until a month into this thing i'm having now.

and now they're there. all the time.
and i can't get them to go away. which i guess is a good thing?

the lack thereof in the beginning made me wary of this boy, but now it's seemed to resolve itself.
but maybe that's just me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment! That's actually very reassuring that you feel that way - perhaps with some people, it takes a while to get that tingly feeling.