Saturday, February 16, 2008

Totally OOC

Last night, the pals and I were definitely pretty OOC (out of control); thus I am staying in this evening with a book and watching last week's episodes of Project Runway and Lost as I try to recuperate.

Since I am on guy-hiatus, last night was the first night in a long while that I have gone out with absolutely no agenda - no plans to meet up with any guys I was seeing and no desire to meet any new guys. Of course the second you proclaim something like that is the second you inadvertently meet someone and I did walk away with a phone number, TV boy, who was very sweet and my friends confirmed was nothing but nice, even though I'm pretty skeptical about that after the whole Slingarm incident.

Nevertheless, I had a great time and stayed out until 6AM in the morning, after multiple bars, beers, cigarettes, and one apartment dance party. Nights like that, hanging out with the people you love and laughing, they are what make being young and single totally worth it.

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