Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sick and Blah

I've been trapped in my apartment for the past couple days with a horrible bout of bronchitis. My only contact with the outside world has been to visit my doctor (who told me there's nothing I can do but sleep and drink liquids) and to see NJ Boy (came over to see me before he goes skiing and make sure I'm ok). Aside from alternating between chills and fever, drinking lots of tea and water, and sleeping, I've been feeling pretty shitty.

A few years ago, my friend L was telling me that she was happy being single but every once in a while, when she got sick and was disgusting in bed, all she wanted was a boyfriend to come bring her soup and care for her. This has been the first time I've been single and sick in a very long time, and for the first time, I can understand what L was talking about.

Spending so much time by my lonesome has given me a lot of time for contemplation and writing (when I'm not hallucinating from the fever, of course). I had a great time with NJ Boy and Slingarm this past weekend, and perhaps this is just the illness speaking, but I think I'm ready for a guy-hiatus for a little while.

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